A little quote for Valentines Day to remind us that we should not only celebrate romantic love but also the universal love towards our family and friends and especially towards OUR SELVES and OUR LIVES. To be grateful for everything we have and to enjoy our lives fully! You don’t have a date for the 14th of…

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On my Spiritual Path

I love spiritual happenings! Meditation of any kind. I struggle a bit with Anapanasati but I adore all kinds of guided meditation. From simple loving-kindness meditation to chakra, sound, crystal or fire meditation. My first approach to meditation was at school at the age of 16. There was an organized excursion to a monastery where…

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A little Bali guide

Bali is a magical place and it’s called the β€˜island of gods’ for a good reason. As soon as you place your feet on the island you feel something special in the air. It is not only Bali’s beautiful people, the culture, the sunset bars with the colorful bean bags and umbrellas, the amazing beaches…

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My first β€šacquaintance’ with the Island of Gods was in 2012 – in USA. I was touring through the States on a ten weeks business trip when I met this Indonesian girl in Boston… She lived in β€šthe land of free’ for many years and was planing a sabbatical year back in her home country.…

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Erasmus in Spain – best time ever!

Aaahhh Valencia… Not only a place with a special flair and the perfect combination of a business city and a holiday / beach location, but I also have an emotional connection to Valencia. The reason for that is the extraordinary 12 months I spent here 12 years ago – being an β€šErasmus’. All of you who…

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